Page 49 - Revista Virtualidad Educativa edición 2
P. 49

The incidence of HIV in adolescents is high, especially in developing countries, due to their partial and erroneous knowledge about HIV/AIDS and misconceptions about its transmission and how to protect themselves. The age of sexual debut is decreasing, but varies depending on factors such as culture, educational level, and residential environment. Therefore, the question arises: What knowledge and behaviors do adolescents have about sexuality? The term "notion" refers to knowledge about a specific idea, and "behavior" refers to how a person behaves in different aspects of his or her life. Thoroughly understanding these dimensions will allow for the development of more effective educational and preventive strategies. The health of adolescents is a priority, and ensuring comprehensive sexual education is key to protecting and empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
VIH / SIDA, adolescencia, noción, conducta.
HIV/AIDS, adolescence, notion, behavior.

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